A Simple Interpreter for Embedded Computers

Screen Shots, Charts, Diagrams, and Logos

Interp running on Linux/MIPS A remote login session with interp running under Linux 2.4 on a MIPS: First I entered the 'uname' command to show the system information. Then I invoked interp with command line arguments. The first one, "-f argtest.int", loads the definition of the 'argtest' function from the file "argtest.int". The rest of the line contains script arguments. After running "argtest.int" interp prompts with "interp>", and I execute 'argtest'.
Interp Architecture chart This chart shows how all the APIs fit together to create interp: imain(3), idefine(3), ilowlevel(3), imem(3), interp(3), iportio(3), istack(3), and interpio(3).
Interp Data Structures diagram This diagram shows all the important interp state variables and data structures at-a-glance.
Interp logo This is a larger version of the interp "logo".