12. Original print iterator tests for M-QUOTE

# testing the print iterator with M-QUOTE (M")

                 __ WORD   |
                 __ OFFSET | DATA_TYPE
                 __ =======+=================================
0V M"abc"        __      0 | string
0xfedc2f29 1V!   __      1 | Time: 01:11:15.842857
0V 2V!           __      2 | string pointer points to "abc"
'A 3V b!         __      3 | char
'B 3V 1+ b!      __        | char
0xDEAD 3V 2+ h!  __        | halfword

"   address   value\n"
0V 10V M"!A!i"
10V M"@A   @S\n@A   @T\n" 10V "#s"
10V M"@A   @s\n@A   @c@c @h\n@A\n" 10V "#s"
0V "!A"
10V M"@a   @b @B @D3 @D1\n@a   @h @H\n@a   @w\n@a   @W\n@a\n" 10V "#s"
0V "!A"
10V M"@A   @D4 @D5\n"  10V "#s"
10V M"@A   @D6\n"      10V "#s"
10V M"@A   @D7\n"      10V "#s"
10V M"@A   @D8\n"      10V "#s"
10V M"@A\n"            10V "#s"
0V "!A"
10V M"@a   @D9\n@a   @D0\n@a\n" 10V "#s"
0V 10V M"!A"
10V M"@a   @c@C@c@C\n" 10V "#s"

"value             address\n"
3V2+ "!A!d"
10V M"@h            @A\n"        10V "#s"
10V M"@c@c                @a\n"  10V "#s"
10V M"@s               @A\n@T   @a\n@w        @A\n" 10V "#s"
"NOTE: when auto-decrementing, print the address after the value.\n"