8. Example 18
# EXAMPLE 18: using the print iterator
# An expanded version of example17.ini, with local functions called as macros.
__ FD ( addr -- nxtaddr ) Print 256 bytes of memory in hex, as 16 rows of 4
__ 32-bit values with ASCII equivalents. The value
__ left on the stack, nxtaddr, is the address of the
__ next location following the last dumped location.
__ This helps with repeated FD commands.
__ usage example: 8K FD FD .
__ ff ( addr -- ) print ASCII equiv. of the word, in left-to-right order
`f __ assume little-endian machine
3+ __ start at the end of the word
"!A!d@C@C@C@C" __ print 4 characters (decrementing)
__ fe ( addr -- ) print the ASCII equivalent of the 4 words
" " __ output two blanks
15 over + swap __ convert addr to end-addr start-addr
loop 2dup swap <= while __ while start-addr <= end-addr
dup mff __ display the ASCII equivalent of a word
4+ __ advance to next word
endloop 2drop __ remove start-addr end-addr from stack
__ fd ( addr -- ) dump the 4 words in hex followed by the ASCII
dup __ preserve a copy of addr for fe to use later on
"!A @a:" __ print the row address
" @W @W @W @W" __ display 4 words
mfe __ display ASCII equiv.
"\n" __ print newline
3~& __ force addr to be word aligned
255 over + swap __ convert addr to end-addr start-addr
loop 2dup swap <= while __ while start-addr <= end-addr
dup mfd 16+ __ display a row and advance start-addr to next row
drop 1+ __ remove start-addr, adjust end-addr to next byte